Virginie Linder
Blissipline Coach
Virginie Linder
Blissipline Coach

Articles publiés par Virginie Linder

Tame your stress, it's your turn to roar.

23 Jun 2023

How many of us let stress be the captain of our lives? It is the master of our thoughts, it dictates our actions. Unconsciously we surrender to this entity that makes whatever it wants of us while ...

From collecting the crumbs to baking my own bread.

23 Jun 2023

I am sorry if I was not the daughter you wanted me to be. I was shocked to hear that sentence coming up in my head as I said my last goodbye to my dad in front of his coffin, the day he was inciner...

Your Sacred Space

23 Jun 2023

Are you aware of your most powerful sacred space? Take a minute and think. Deep breath. Close your eyes and connect to your heart center, in the middle of your chest. That's it.
As cheesy as it sou...

Dompte ton stress, c'est à ton tour de rugir.

24 May 2023

Combien sommes-nous à laisser le stress gérer notre vie ? Il envahit nos pensées, il dirige nos actions; de façon inconsciente nous nous laissons mener à la baguette par cette entité qui agite son ...

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