Virginie Linder
Blissipline Coach
Virginie Linder
Blissipline Coach


Let's meditate

Meditation has become part of our culture now.

I offer a personalized approach to it.

Primordial Sound Meditation is the Chopra meditation method.

Introduction to meditation
with breath awareness

for maximum 2 students

60 minutes sessions

60 minutes session
for maximum 2 students

Primordial sound meditation

Primordial sound meditation

Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation with mantra.
You receive your own mantra, called "primordial sound" 
during a ceremony,
after one introduction to meditation session.
You will then have 2 follow up sessions
and will be able to join group meditations live or via zoom.

Meditation & Lucid dreaming

To support your new practices routine.

Starter: 4 sessions over a month

then 1 session after ending starter sessions.

4 sessions & follow-up

Group meditations

Group meditations

Contact me to register for meditations on Zoom

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