What is a lucid dream?
A lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming as you are dreaming.
Anything that can be treated by hypnotherapy can also be treated by lucid dreaming: addictions, phobias, confidence issues, trauma... Lucid dream is a spiritual journey too.
Practicing lucid dreaming is also fun.
Lucid dreaming has been a scientifically verified phenomenom for over 40 years and in 2009, researchers at Frankfurt University's neurological clinic confirmed that "Lucid Dreaming constitutes a hybrid state of consciousness with definable and measurable differences from the waking state and from the REM (rapid eye movement) dream state."
As a lucid dream facilitator, I can introduce you to its basic techniques and guide you so that you start your journey of exploration of your unconscious through lucid dreaming.
individual sessions & workshops from 50 euros / person
I can guide you to implement lucid dreaming, meditation and yoga nidra
so that you can triple blissipline your life.
Because the practice of meditation and yoga nidra can support
your practice of lucid dreaming.